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D Glenn Sedgwick B.Com, FAICD, FCA

  • Independent Non-Executive Director - August 2016
  • Member of the Board Risk Committee - August 2016 to December 2017
  • Member of the Board Audit Committee - August 2016

Mr Sedgwick has more than 30 years' experience as a consultant to listed and unlisted Australian, Chinese and other Asian enterprises across financial services, and information technology. A partner in Accenture since 1993 (then Arthur Andersen & Co.), he was previously Managing Director of Accenture’s Asia Pacific Insurance and Wealth Management business. 

Mr Sedgwick is a Director of the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority and The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra where he Chairs its Foundation Committee, and Advancement Committee. He is a Director of Queens College Melbourne Limited (University of Melbourne) and Chairs its Finance and Risk Committee. He is also Chair of the Queens College Trust Corporation. He was previously Chair of ALI Group, and Australian Tourist Park Management.

With strengths in financial reporting and risk management, Mr Sedgwick also brings to the Board extensive knowledge in strategy development.