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When Nicole Moore applied for an MBA (Social Impact) Scholarship, little did she know that it would set her on a path towards influencing future students to create social change.

Nicole chose to study with the Centre for Social Impact at AGSM (part of the University of New South Wales’ Business School) at a time when her future seemed certain with a long-standing Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation. However, a year into her studies, government funding dried up and the NFP was forced to close its doors, leaving Nicole at a crossroads.

“I thought to myself, I’ve come this far, what am I supposed to do now? I felt like I had fallen off a path… there was no way I could continue to study with no secure job. It all seemed so difficult.” At the urging of her lecturer, Nicole applied for an Indigenous Advancement Scholarship with CSI – and to her relief, her application was successful.

She describes how the scholarship changed her life in ways she never imagined: “Thanks to the support of the scholarship donors, Professor Richard Henry and Dr Rachel Oberon, I was able to concentrate on full-time study. Now that I’ve finished my MBA I’ve started working at CSI as an educator and researcher. I’m still active in my community in governance roles and feel privileged to help create the next generation of social change agents.”

CSI has now created a new appeal, called the Chair’s Scholarship Appeal, which has the support of Advisory Council Chair and CSI Founder David Gonski AM, Emeritus Professor Richard Henry, former CSI Chair Professor Fred Hilmer AO and Professor Peter Shergold, CSI’s former CEO and current Chair. The Appeal calls on philanthropists interested in helping someone achieve great in-roads into social impact in Australia and beyond.

“It’s a powerful force, to give someone the gift of higher education,” says Professor Shergold. “The benefits impact many lives, many communities and, indeed, many generations. By supporting a scholarship, you can create that impact.”

For further information on scholarships and the various options available, contact your Relationship Manager.