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Does your will cover everything you need it to?

It’s always sensible to invest a little time thinking about whether your Will is going to cover everything you need it to, the way you want it to. We've been helping people do that for more than 145 years and there are a few questions that will help you know whether you’ve got it covered.

The main objective is to ensure you feel secure you’ve got it right for you – and the people you want to take care of when you’re not around.

Here’s five questions to get you started:

1. Is your Will current? Any recent changes to your family or assets?

2. Can your executor carry out their role? Can they stay impartial? Will they have time?

3. Does your superannuation binding death benefit nomination need to be renewed?

4. Is your Will in sync with your super?

5. Do any of your beneficiaries have special needs or aren’t good with money?

Find out more about Equity Trustees’ wills and estate planning here. Speak to us about all your estate planning needs, including protection for your beneficiaries and ensuring specific arrangements of your Will and Super can work together.