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Here are some things for you to think about.
You might not need all of these points.

•   Once you've found a suitable funding program, read the guidelines carefully.

•    Check the deadlines, allowing plenty of time to write your application.

•    Check you are eligible to apply. Does your project meet the selection criteria?

•    Do you address all items  in the grant giver's guidelines?

•    Have you provided a clear project summary?

•    Does your application comply with grants timelines?

•    Does your application include information on how you will deliver the  project and include any project partners and their details?

•    Does your application adequately demonstrate the issue /need you wish to address through your project?

•    Does your proposal specify realistic and measurable project objectives?

•    Does your application show why this project is unique, innovative, and different from

(and an improvement over) existing programs.

•    Does your application contain a detailed budget that is accurate and adds up?

•    Has your final version of the application been reviewed by someone not involved in writing your application?

•    Is your application in the format requested?

Print or download Grant Application Checklist