Dundas Global Investors, operating as Dundas Partners LLP, is an independent global equity investment manager based in Edinburgh. They manage a single investment strategy, global equities, in pursuit of capital and dividend growth to keep their clients’ precious funds intact from the corrosive effect of inflation. They seek to invest in the best public companies from around the world, relying upon their own research to identify them. Portfolios typically comprise 60-80 stocks, with no distinction between developed and so-called emerging markets; it’s a global economy. 

By owning equity shares investors gain a direct interest in companies’ wealth generation which they experience in two distinct ways, capital growth and dividends. Dundas Global Investors' investment strategy pays equal attention to both elements. 

Clients’ portfolios and their own assets are invested alongside each other. As an independent firm, owned by Alan McFarlane and the staff without external shareholders, they manage clients' portfolios free from the conflict of interest that can bedevil more complex organisations.

Fund Name APIR Code mFund Investment Type
EQT Dundas Global Equities Fund THO0003 EQY03 International equities

EQT Dundas Global Equity Fund Brochure
